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CCU Spotlight: Mista Supaboy

"Jessie "Mista Supaboy" Harris is a new player to the Cosplay world. Attending his first Comic-Con in New Orleans 2014, he quickly was recognized by so many fans of his Cosplay, "Blade". Jessie started dressing up as Blade back in 2010 for Halloween. He has always been a fan of Blade and wanted to be like him. Fortunately, he also had the almost identical appearance of Wesley Snipes, which made his costume even more Epic. Ever since that moment he has been the talk in his home town of this Cosplay. He also Cosplays as the Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger and has recently had an Amazing Spider-Man suit made. He plans to Cosplay as "Patriot" from Young Avengers in he near future.

Jessie is starting to learn more and more about making costumes and also making plans to even make/upgrade his Blade Cosplay into "Steampunk Blade".

Inspired by Cosplayers such as Ivy Doomkitty, Ryan Frye and even Eric The Smoke Moran, Jessie is pushing hard to bring the excitement and fun into his Cosplay and to his fans.

He is also a member of the East Coast Avengers and plans to make appearances in the future, and has made appearances at schools, day cares and parties."

CCU: So what got you started in Cosplay?

Mista Supaboy: I honestly didn't know what Cosplay was. I thought it was something rich people did. LOL, But it started on Halloween night of 2010 when I decided to dress as Blade for the first time for a Halloween contest. I won 2nd second place and earned $300 and I noticed not only people loved it but I loved it too. And that's when I did my research about Cosplay and the rest is history.

CCU: Who are some of the Cosplayers that you look up to?

Mista Supaboy: Man....I'll tell you what....the man responsible for helping me even get on the map in the Cosplay universe is Eric Moran. He is an awesome guy and has so many Cosplays. He is definitely someone to check out. Ivy Doomkitty is another one I look up to. She does awesome work as well. It's more but these are my top 2.

CCU: What have been some of your fav. Cosplays to do?

Mista Supaboy: Blade is my number one go to. Everyone knows me from that one. SPIDER-MAN and Green Power Ranger (OG version)

CCU: What is a trend that you wish would go away from Cosplay?

Mista Supaboy: Uuum... nah not that I know of.

CCU: Is race still an issue in Cosplay?

Mista Supaboy: Is Trump still the president? LOL

CCU: Whats one thing you wish people would understand about Cosplayers of color?

Mista Supaboy: That we are here to stay! We ain't going nowhere so stop complaining LOL.

CCU: What is next on your line up of Cosplays to do?

Mista Supaboy: That's a secret, LOL. But I'll give you one hint. Gender bend Cosplays

CCU: What are some of your fav. Cons to go to?

Mista Supaboy: Dragoncon is hands down my all time fav con! And Philadelphia comic con is awesome too.

CCU: What could Cons do to make things a bit easier for Cosplayers?

Mista Supaboy: Chill out with the weapons policy dude!

CCU: Whats one thing you know now about Cosplaying that you wish you knew before?

Mista Supaboy: Some Cosplayers cant be trusted.

CCU: What are some pieces of advice that you would give to up and coming Cosplayers?

Mista Supaboy: Whatever you do whom ever you wanna be, MAKE IT LOOK GOOD!

CCU: Thank you for taking time out to do the interview. Is there anything you would like to say to the readers and supporters?

Mista Supaboy: YEP, I wanna say thank you to all my supporters out there who haven't given up on me. Shout out to my family and friends. And never be afraid to Cosplay. Be who you was meant to be...and remember #imakeTHISlookgood but together #wemakeITlookbetter.

For Info on Mista Supaboy Check out:

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